Feminine Way Consultation

Hey lovely,

I’m so excited you made your way here and are ready to chat with us about whether Success without Sacrifice™️ is the going to be the right fit for you.

Here’s the thing, I know how precious your time is and I don’t want to waste it asking you to fill in an application form if your practice doesn’t yet meet the necessary criteria to join us inthe program.

So, I’m going to tell you who this for and who it’s not for in the interest of saving time. If you nod along and meet these criteria, please go ahead and complete the application form on this page. If you’re not sure, please complete the form anyway and our system will figure it out for you (it’s super clever like that).


This program IS for:

  • Female private practice owners who currently turnover $150k + with two or more team members.
  • Women who want to learn a more feminine way to run their business, one that aligns with their values and their family commitments.
  • Women who want to work less, add $20 - 40K a month to their revenue, and join the top 3% of female business owners.
  • Women who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much as they value making money.
  • Women who know their business can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.
  • Women who are already successful and want to double their income & their time off.

This group is NOT for:

  • Men! No offence intended, we’re just very protective of the feminine energy in the program.
  • People who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about their team or the results their clients get.
  • People who are looking for a magic pill and aren’t willing to do the work – both in themselves and in their practice.
  • People who are just getting started and don’t have a team yet.

And now for more transparency:

This is expensive.

Plus, you’ll be required to consistently implement what you are learning and to show up for yourself and others in the program. (To be read, “you’ve gotta do the work”).


Here's How It Works

First, enter your name and email address so we can save your form in case something goes away while you’re completing it. You’ll then be taken through a series of questions that will allow us to understand more about where you are at in your journey.

Our application form is super smart and will decipher whether have a strong enough foundation in place in your practice for Success without Sacrifice™️ to build upon. If you do, youll be invited to book a call.

If it looks like the program might be a bit too much of a stretch for you at this point, the application system will direct you to some of our trainings instead. These trainings will help you identify and implement the steps needed to go to a position where the investment in the program makes sense.

Please note, the form can’t identify gritlike determination and a willingness to invest in something that’s a financial stretch because you really, really want this. If the form sends you to the trainings, but you feel in your bones that this is the right fit for you and money is not an issue, please send us a Facebook message to discuss a solution.

We can’t wait to speak with you.

Big love

Here's the first steps...