Life has a funny way of pushing us to do what is in our best interest and I can see now that being laid off when I was 34 weeks pregnant was the best thing that could ever have happened to me.
Of course, the universe had a plan I couldn’t yet see!
Life has a funny way of pushing us to do what is in our best interest and I can see now that being laid off when I was 34 weeks pregnant was the best thing that could ever have happened to me.
But back then…back then I was pooping my pants about what my path would look like as the family breadwinner with a newborn in tow. Of course, the universe had a plan I couldn’t yet see!
Six years ago, I thought I had it all. I was happily married with a baby on the way and had a successful career as a Marketing Director. My life should have been perfect! Except I was miserable and knew I really wasn’t fulfilling my life’s purpose caught up in the corporate rat race.
When the time came for me to think about work again nine months after my little girl was born, the enormity of the situation finally hit me. I started to face the reality that I really only had two options – forget my dream of being the mama I wanted to be and go back to a full-time director level role I hated or go out on my own and start a business.
Despite the fact the idea of starting my own business made me feel physically sick, there was no other option. I’d waited too long to be a mama and I wasn’t about to give up on that dream, so I found myself with a new baby and new business all within a year.
I wish I could say starting a business was a breeze, but I would be lying. During the early years of my business, I struggled to attract enough clients into my business and financially things began to get really hard. Maybe you can relate?
At its worst we we’re surviving month to month on credit cards and were $100k in debt. It was one of the darkest times we have been through.
One day, as I stood in a shop moving odd dollars around in our online banking app to cover the cost of a bottle of wine, something inside me resolved that enough was finally enough.
I was desperately tired of feeling like my hopes and dreams were slipping through my fingers. Tired of flying by the seat of my pants hoping things would work out (and secretly afraid they never would). I knew the only way out was to create a consistent and steady stream of new clients.

So, I became a student of marketing once again…
I completely immersed myself in the teachings of every brilliant entrepreneur who had the level of success I was after.
I listened to insightful podcasts.I bought perspective-shifting courses. I read ALL the books.
Very soon, things really started to change. And once I saw what was happening to my business, I agreed to work with a number of other Private Practice owners who wanted to see the same you can read here.
Their results began to surpass my own! Before long, I realised working with private practice owners like you was where I found the most joy and was where I could make the most impact in the world.
But there was a downside to my success…
Two years ago, I was working almost as many hours in my business as I was in my corporate role. I was doing bookkeeping in the evenings, responding to clients at the weekends and doing my admin on my mobile while I cooked dinner. I was tired, preoccupied and anything but happy.
Oh, and remember I was pregnant too!!
I needed to hire a team to reduce my workload so I got good at identifying what only I could do and outsourcing everything else. Then I focused on what marketing strategies made the biggest difference in my business with the least amount of effort and time…and just consistently did those things.
Year on year since, I have doubled my revenue AND doubled my profit!
“Turns out my true calling goes beyond just helping women to grow their business, it is actually about supporting other mama’s to be incredibly successful businesswomen without sacrificing their family lives or themselves.”
To show them how to work to their strengths. To work smarter not harder. So that they could achieve all of their goals and ambitions for their business and still be at home to put their kids to bed every night. (Apparently, I needed a baby that didn’t sleep to see that thanks for the hard lesson Universe 🙄)After two years, and numerous clients achieving the same thing, I finessed my approach last year into the Referrals on Tap Process™ and the Success without Sacrifice System™.
This life-changing approach to marketing and business is based entirely on what has worked over and over again to get my clients and I fast, predictable results. (Don’t worry, it’s still fully customizable to fit your personality and unique approach to running your business.)
They’ve worked over and over again in all kinds of practices and they will work in yours too, so you can:
Make more of an impact in the world.
Easily make more money with less effort.
Systematically achieve all of your goals and ambitions
Spend more quality time with your family.
Reduce your stress and allow you to finally unplug from your business.
Market in a way that feels authentic & aligns with your feminine values.
Make more of an impact in the world.
Easily make more money with less effort.
Reduce your stress and allow you to finally unplug from your business.
Systematically achieve all of your goals and ambitions
Spend more quality time with your family.
Market in a way that feels authentic and in alignment with your feminine values.