

The Heard Counselling

“I’ve gone from not knowing how to create my own practice, to successfully establishing my business and securing 10 ideal clients in only four months.  I now have confidence and appreciation for myself and feel more in control of my time and work -life balance.  I went from feeling exhausted working with any client, to now feeling fulfilled only working with my ideal clients and doing work I love.”

– April Brown, Marriage/Family Therapist

April’s Story…

April is a marriage and family therapist, mainly working with new mothers. She joined Sian’s program while in the process of coming back from maternity leave, motivated by wanting to create her own private practice.


April didn’t really know what to do, or where to start, then came across Sian’s Accelerator training, which she described as being amazing. Within just a week, April found so much value in what she had learnt from Sian that she knew going through a whole program would help her set up her business well, with a solid foundation.

Making the financial investment in the program was April’s only reservation before joining, based on her viewing herself as a real beginner, and not yet making the income she desired. However, she was so certain she would gain value from it that she knew it was the right decision. April worked with Sian to create a plan for how to get her investment back and quickly achieved this.

April had a general idea about how she was going to start her practice prior to the program, but in terms of marketing, she had no plan in place and reflected that had she not completed this training, there were so many things she would never have known needed to be done. She set out with a goal to secure 10 clients as her ideal maximum and successfully achieved this during her four months working with Sian and went on to create a waiting list of ideal clients. The program also gave April the confidence to only work with people matching her ideal client criteria. When receiving referrals for clients that are not aligned, April has referred them away, secure in the knowledge her time is important and she deserves to do work she loves, that feels fulfilling and doesn’t exhaust her. Referring clients to others has also created valuable relationships with fellow therapists.

For anyone considering whether they have the time to go through the program, April simultaneously built a practice from scratch, cared for her new baby and one-year-old, and completed the program successfully. She enjoyed her one hour call each week, as it felt like a social hour where she was connecting with others, as part of a supportive learning community, while gaining valuable knowledge to take her business forward.

Doing Sian’s program has had a huge impact on April’s family life too, as she now feels more in control of her time. For April, every moment away from her baby needed to be of value, moving her business forward. In addition, April now has more confidence and an appreciation for herself, outside of the role of being a mother. The program has brought more balance to her family life because she clearly plans her time and her goals. When making marketing decisions after this program, April feels like she still carries Sian’s guiding voice with her internally, making sure she’s investing her time well or encouraging her progress.

April enjoyed many things about the working with Sian but particularly, how comfortable Sian’s approach made her feel. Knowing that Sian personally understands what it takes to be a mother and a businesswoman, and that Sian gives women the tools needed to be able to do this effectively, made the program a worthwhile investment.  

We can create a plan