

Calonda Henry

“Now we are a six-figure practice and we have grown into a team….I’m very excited for the growth that I’ve experienced and having the tools to know what to do going forward….The tools in this class definitely helped me to be where I am today.” 

– Calonda Henry, Speech Language Pathologist and Owner of Broad Horizons Speech Therapy in Florida

Calonda Henry’s Success Story

Meet Calonda Henry, a Florida-based speech-language pathologist making waves with her practice, Broad Horizon Speech Therapy.

Before joining Success Without Sacrifice™️, Calonda was in a bit of a rut, unsure about investing in a coaching program amidst a sea of options.

Then, she found Sian’s Accelerator program. It wasn’t just about learning to fill her practice but finding the right coaching match. In just one year, Calonda’s practice transformed from a small, one-room space to a bustling six-room clinic with nine clinicians and a solid admin team.

But here’s the really sweet news: her revenue didn’t just increase – it quadrupled, from $15k to $60k a month. And it’s still climbing. Calonda didn’t just grow her business with Sian; she found a work-life balance that works for her.

We can create a plan