

Synapse Pediatric Therapy

I felt like I was really ready to put in the work and Sian packaged it in a way that was watchable, and not too overwhelming and didn’t make me feel like I needed to be someone I wasn’t. I’ve been getting three referrals a week, as opposed to one, and the nice thing is, I know what my plan is. I’m no longer thinking, “Oh no, what do I do?” Instead, I know I’m sending my newsletters, touching base with my people, going to visit doctors’ offices. I don’t feel the panicky feelings that I used to feel. I’ve seen the growth really consistently.”

– Katie Vienot, Speech-language Pathologist

Katie’s Story…

Katie is a speech-language pathologist who started her private practice five years ago in Chicago, USA. At the time of joining Sian’s program, Katie wanted to work towards growing her business to the point where she no longer needs to be the primary therapist and can employ a team so she can have more time to spend with her children. She had just hired her first full-time therapist and was in the process of hiring a second person. As a young practice owner, Katie felt like she was in over her head.


Katie first came across Sian through the Accelerator challenge on Facebook, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Katie could see that as well as Sian being so knowledgeable in her field, Sian also talks about marketing in a completely different way to everybody else. One of the first things Sian talked about was masculine and feminine energy, which resonated with Katie a lot because Katie had been fearing marketing that’s pushy and having to sell herself.

Katie’s only reservation about the program before starting was that she has never spent that much money on a coaching program. She wanted to make sure that this was the kind of investment she would make back and that has been the case. With no business knowledge, Katie knew she needed to listen to an expert and that she was happy to pay for Sian’s expertise.

Since the program, Katie has been getting three referrals a week, as opposed to one, and she knows what her plan is – sending out newsletters, touching base with her network, and connecting with doctors. Katie no longer feels the panicky feelings she used to experience all the time when somebody’s caseload was a little low. She’s seen consistent growth and feels like she’s reached the point where she can scale.

If you are considering joining the program, Katie would recommend considering what your practice needs the most and identifying what’s standing in your way. If the answer is learning how to get the word out about what you do in a way that feels authentic, then working with Sian would be a really good investment.

Overall, the program really encouraged Katie to dream bigger and provided valuable tools. It was not only marketing help that Katie received; it was more of a paradigm shift, looking at how to transition into the leadership role within her organisation and how to inhabit it fully. Katie felt like she had executive coaching which is really helpful for business owners.

During the coaching calls, Katie identified a list of people who she hadn’t been touching base with, and decided she was going to try to connect with two contacts a week. In doing so, Katie reached out to a researcher that she had previously connected with at a local university. She messaged him to ask if he would be interested in meeting to talk about bridging the gap between clinical research and clinical practice, or research in clinical practice. He was about to graduate so he connected Katie to his boss, who was the head of an amazing early intervention research program. They instantly hit it off and explored how their teams could work together.

They’ve since set up a journal club and meet up quarterly to build relationships. The university team are going to train Katie’s team on the evidence-based interventions they’ve been doing with parents of young kids. When they have parents come through the study whose children need extra support, the university can refer them to Katie’s practice as the local team using these research-based methods. It’s a win for everybody and Katie is so excited to have pursued this connection after Sian encouraging her to do so.

We can create a plan