

Speech Waves

“It was life-changing for my business and to double my profit in less than six months is amazing. I never probably would have been able to do that if I hadn’t taken the course and used Sian’s steps to get where I needed to be and I will continue to use those steps when I hire others.”

– Kristen Leigh Downey, Speech-language Pathologist

Kristen’s Story…

Kristen is a speech-language pathologist with her own private clinic in North Carolina, USA. At the time of engaging with Sian for the first time, Kristen’s practice was approximately half-full and she wanted to start on the functional portion of her practice. The kind of clients she had were not her ideal clients. Kristen had to educate herself in how to get her name out there to get referrals and after trying Google Ads, she decided to sign up for Sian’s program to get more specific ideas about how to grow her business.


Since working with Sian, Kristen’s client capacity is now 70% full and this is with her ideal type of clients, doing the kind of work she really loves and finds most fulfilling. In terms of revenue, in only six months, Kristen’s made over double what she made as her entire annual revenue the previous year. In addition to increased revenue and knowing how to generate more referrals, Kristen also learnt how to expand her team to bring on more speech specialists. She took on a new staff member part-time who has a full client list and hired a second staff member for admin support too.

Kristen would recommend Sian’s program to anybody who is looking to either start their practice, expand it, or offer new services but doesn’t know how to market it or who referrals should come from. Kristen found Sian’s insights into gaining referrals was a particularly eye-opening part of the program that significantly contributed to her growth.

What surprised Kristen most about the program was how valuable she found it to listen to everybody else who was in the group and realise that everyone had the same struggles to overcome, despite being in different stages of business. The comradery built through sharing together weekly meant everyone was encouraging and supporting one another in their challenges, progress and achievements. Kristen now has a support network of likeminded professionals who have become personal friends on Facebook. Kristen found it really interesting to see how advice given to individuals in the group actually helped everyone. She also appreciated that she can refer back to the course materials whenever she has a question or needs to start implementing something else.

Kristen enjoyed how upbeat, cheerful and helpful Sian was and misses the weekly group meetings since completing the program. Working with Sian has been life-changing, enhancing all aspects of Kristen’s business. Doubling her profit in less than six months was amazing, and Kristen believes she never would have been able to do that in such a short timeframe, if she hadn’t taken the course and applied Sian’s steps to do what was needed to progress. She will continue to use those steps with any new hires brought into her business.

Kristen is happy to have all the resources and understanding she needs to be able to keep growing her business. As soon the right person can be hired, Kristen now feels confident and excited that she knows exactly what to do to be able to fill their client load with ease, and other new hires as the business continues to expand. Future developments are now within reach, without Kristen needing to be concerned over how she is going to go about the marketing or growth strategy aspects.

We can create a plan