

Twelve9teen Sports Physiotherapy

“My marketing now feels more caring, genuine and authentic and my clients will feel that too. It’s very different from other sorts of marketing things that I’ve looked at or come across on my social media feeds. This felt so much more client-centered and in line with my values as a healthcare professional.”

– Loretta O’Sullivan, Specialist Sports Physio

Loretta’s Story…

Loretta is a specialist sports physio who specifically works with teenagers. Over the last 5 years, she’s had a daughter, moved clinics, and at some point along the way, she felt she lost focus on her business. When Loretta originally started her business, she had just completed her doctorate focused on engaging teenagers in terms of compliance with their treatment. COVID meant that Loretta wasn’t seeing any patients for school sports injuries, as there wasn’t any sport being played. Her clinic was very quiet, creating the perfect opportunity to refocus.


In completing Sian’s program, Loretta was able to redirect her business, looking more at the human side of clients’ needs to better understand her clients again, reconnecting with their hearts and minds, on a personal and emotional level.

Sian’s client-centered approach made so much sense to Loretta and enabled her to have a marketing plan that got things back into place, so that she can confidently move forward.

Even with the responsibilities of being a mum, running a home and a clinic, Loretta found the program manageable to work through. She learnt that it’s not just about getting more clients in the door; it’s about having the ones you work with stay longer because they feel more connected to your brand and the work you’re doing with them. Loretta understands that her brand is not just what people see on her website or brochures; it’s the whole business. She now thinks of her brand resonating through everything that she does, including the way she speaks and interacts with her clients all of that is marketing in itself and the brand needs to be consistent all the way through. Loretta now has a system behind consistently generating referrals through word of mouth. She is making best use of in-person opportunities at weekend sports events, optimising her newsletter and social media content.

Loretta would strongly recommend anyone considering the program commits to doing it and has already encouraged fellow practitioners to sign up. It’s very different from other sorts of marketing Loretta has previously come across and in being so client-centered, it felt far more in line with her values as a healthcare professional. Prior to working with Sian, Loretta had thought that if you are a physio who is a business owner, the goal is for you to not work clinically, and to have more staff and systems in place. As a clinician with a doctorate and passion for her client work, Loretta didn’t do all of that intense training and studying to solely be a business owner; this was not the end goal she desired. Instead, she wants to keep being a clinician helping patients and doesn’t want to hire lots of staff.

During the program, Loretta realised she could shape her dream clinic goals in whatever way she wanted to and that if she wants to continue being hands-on with client treatments, she can do so. One physio’s dream case scenario for their business could look very different to other clinicians’ big picture goals and Sian’s coaching enabled Loretta to get really clear on what her personal end goal was.

We can create a plan