

Sandra Jefferies

“I’ve seriously pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I am organising my first event. I’ve been a private practitioner for 23 years and I’ve never done an event. I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for this program.

Even my partner commented how far I’ve come even in just the last three months…I feel confident in what I’m talking about. There’s definitely a visible change.”

– Sandra Jefferies, Physiotherapist

Sandra’s Story…

Sandra had been running her private physio practice for 23 years. She was keen to make positive changes to refresh her practice and attract new clients. In the 12 months prior to joining the program, Sandra felt her busines was stale. Everything felt old and it was time to revamp and refresh herself and her business. The other physio in Sandra’s practice wasn’t fully booked each week and her previous marketing attempts all had the wrong focus.


One thing Sandra really wanted to get out of this program was for her other physio to be busy. It worked and he is now fully booked every single day.

Sandra would say to anyone considering joining the program to absolutely do it. It was a very safe environment with no pressure. For any of the new concepts she didn’t get straight away, Sandra didn’t need to worry because they clicked further into the program. Sandra successfully completed the program, while still working full-time, without feeling stressed.

 Something that Sandra loved about the program, and didn’t expect to, was the non-judgemental support of the group. She enjoyed being able to talk to the other women, listen to what they were saying, and feel that it really resonated with her too.

The biggest takeaway for Sandra was ‘don’t be scared to be out there’. Before joining, Sandra had been hesitant to market her business, worrying about what other people might think and if she was doing it right. She had no idea where to even start and every time she tried to do some marketing; she had been placing focus on herself rather than what her clients required. Sian taught Sandra how to shift her focus onto the client and to really start thinking about their needs. Since thinking about marketing from this new perspective, it has transformed how she writes Facebook posts, emails and job adverts.

The program enabled Sandra to push herself out of her comfort zone and embrace organising her first event. She has been putting herself out there and embracing the networking component of business, using the system Sian taught her.

Sandra didn’t expect to get so much clarity in the types of processes she could put in place to make running her business far easier and more efficient. She experienced a sudden lightbulb moment part-way into the program, where what she was learning connected in a way that enhanced her confidence. She was delighted that this shift within is something that was noticed and remarked on by others. Her partner commented how far she had come even in just three months, noting a visible change in the way that Sandra speaks with confidence now.

We can create a plan