

Cappy’s House Counselling Services

“Within two weeks, I’d created a vision board, and I still have that up, and I’m still crossing things off. And that was a vision board for both professional and personal. It gets me excited because this is coming to fruition. I’m hosting a meet and greet in a couple of weeks from LinkedIn people and all of them are referrals. I wouldn’t have thought of using my LinkedIn for hosting these kinds of things, nor been comfortable with it to promote myself.”

– Suzanne Mondell Cook, Cappy’s House

Suzanne’s Story…

Suzanne is a licensed clinical social worker in San Diego, California. At the time of joining the program she was working on setting up her own private practice for people with trauma, anxiety, and depression. Suzanne also had a day job working as a clinical therapist at a facility for men. As her practice was just starting, it was based in a temporary location and she really wanted to get it off the ground.


When Suzanne heard about the program, she thought this would be a great way to create a solid foundation for her business. The program brought many positive outcomes, with one significant change being that Suzanne felt validated and that this was something she could achieve.

Once she realised that she didn’t need to be a PR genius to make her marketing work, she felt immense relief. Similarly, she was also relieved that she didn’t need to be pushy with sales; instead, Sian taught Suzanne different ways to sell that felt more comfortable and would be far more effective.The program offered a lot of camaraderie in the group, as well as many resources in different areas. Suzanne learned how to outsource so that she didn’t have to be a one-woman-roadshow and do everything herself. The program also gave her a totally new perspective about LinkedIn. Suzanne had been using LinkedIn for years and been a professional in her field for over 20 years, but it wasn’t until working with Sian, that she learned how to use LinkedIn most effectively.

Everything Sian taught Suzanne has been valuable to her and since completing the program, Suzanne has taken what she learnt and continued to build. People have been very impressed with what she’s put into practice. Suzanne now has her own permanent space to work from and she’s connected with a lot of different referral networks. As Suzanne is seeing clients on a regular basis, she is in a great position to be able to leave her day job way ahead of schedule.

Suzanne’s advice for anyone considering joining the program is not to listen to any negative thoughts that say it’s too much money. She believes in the principle of ‘the seed in the harvest’, where if you don’t put in, you’re not going to get out. She found it helpful that Sian indicated within a certain amount of time what the goal is to recuperate the cost of the program in increased revenue. Laying a solid foundation, and what Suzanne got out of the program significantly went beyond the initial investment to join. In addition to what Suzanne learnt, she found her fellow program members to be an amazing group of people she connected with. The whole experience has opened many doors for her. 

Within two weeks of working with Sian, Suzanne created a vision board for both her personal and professional life goals that she feels excited about. She is steadily crossing things off and is so pleased she invested in the program as it keeps on giving and giving.

We can create a plan